The Food Court

The Food hall to discover french regions food

Food Court / Roland-Garros©Pauline Ballet / Amélie Laurin / FFT

Find the unmissable Food Court of Roland-Garros located between The Place des Mousquetaires and the Simone-Mathieu Stadium. Come discover classicfood of our french regions! On the Menu : The Reunion Island Rougail, the Northen fish and chips, the Southern Focaccia and the Brittany buckwheat pancake.

The Reunion Island Rougail store

Let's travel to Roland Garros homeland and taste the traditional rougail! Let's meet at the food court - Gordon Benett avenue. Our offer: Sausage or cod rougail, traditional dessert, cold drinks.

The Northern Fish and Chip Store

Discover and taste our fish and chips that is located within our Food Court - Gordon Benett avenue. Our offer: fish & chips, french fries, waffle, cold drinks.

The Southern Focaccia Store

Let's fly to the South and taste our focaccia that is located within our food court - avenue Gordon Benett. Our offer: Ham or vegetarian focaccia, lemon pie, cold drinks.

The Brittany Buckwheat pancake store

Let's travel to Brittany and taste the traditional buckwheat pancakes! Let's meet at the food court - Gordon Benett avenue. Our offer: salty pancakes, traditional cake, cold drinks.

The Bar of the Food Court

Take a break with our bar located within the food court. Our offer : Hot and cold drinks.